Time Accounted

OTRS enables tracking the time spent working on the ticket at the article level by filling-in time in the time units field in minutes.

The extension TimeAccounted allows users viewing their time spent in a current month in two reports:

  • Simple: sums of time in minutes by days and listing the difference to the eight-hours working day (480 minutes)

  • Detailed: times broken down by day and article

Previous month's statement can be obtained by adding a parameter to the URL: ;PreviousMonth=1

Following example lists sum of minutes worked per day. The difference field shows that the user worked only 7 hours on the first day, exactly 8 hours on the second day and 2 hours overtime on the third day.

and by clicking on Detail we get a detailed listing by article

For more information regarding this and other extensions, please, contact us via our contact form.

Link to Extend IT extensions.